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Aura Cleansing Session

$222.22 $333.33

What is Aura cleansing? Aura Cleansing also known as aura healing, is a type of spiritual healing practice that involves clearing, balancing, and revitalizing the human energy field, or "aura". The aura is believed to be a luminous energy field that surrounds the physical body, and it's thought to contain information about a person's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Here's a general outline of what an aura cleansing session might look like:

1. Preparation: The practitioner may start by creating a calm and peaceful environment, often using calming music, incense, or candles. You might be asked to sit or lie down and focus on your breathing to help you relax.

2. Energy Assessment: The practitioner may begin by assessing your energy field. This could involve using their hands to sense the energy around your body, or they might use tools like a pendulum or aura camera. They'll be looking for areas where the energy might be stagnant, unbalanced, or negative.

3. Cleansing the Aura: Once the practitioner has identified any issues in your aura, they'll work to cleanse and balance your energy. This could involve a variety of techniques, such as using crystals, sound healing, Reiki, visualization exercises, or smudging (burning sage or other herbs to cleanse the energy).

4. Energy Strengthening: After cleansing the aura, the practitioner may work to strengthen and protect your energy field. This could involve visualizing a protective light around you, or they might use affirmations or mantras.

5. Closure: The session typically ends with a period of relaxation and grounding to help integrate the energy work and bring you back to your physical surroundings.

It's important to note that everyone's experience with aura cleansing can be different, and the effectiveness of the session often depends on your openness to the process.